Embedded Fibre Reinforced Polymers (FRP) Reinforcement in Concrete Structures According to the New Version of Eurocode 2

  • Eva Oller Ibars Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
  • Lluís Torres
  • Ana de Diego
Keywords: Embedded FRP reinforcement, fibre reinforced polymer, reinforced concrete, Eurocode 2


The new version of Eurocode 2 will include for the first time an informative annex, Annex R “Embedded FRP reinforcement”, to design reinforced concrete structures with fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcement. FRP embedded reinforcement has some advantages such as their low susceptibility to corrosion, high‐strength, and low life‐cycle cost. FRP rebars can be used as longitudinal or transverse reinforcement in a similar way than conventional steel rebars, but considering some particular aspects, such as their linear elastic behaviour up to failure or their lower modulus of elasticity, which may condition the design by the verification of the
serviceability limit state. Since, the content of Annex R is new, a summary and background related to all aspects required for designing with FRP reinforcement are given in this paper.

How to Cite
Oller Ibars, E., Torres, L., & de Diego, A. (2023). Embedded Fibre Reinforced Polymers (FRP) Reinforcement in Concrete Structures According to the New Version of Eurocode 2. Hormigón Y Acero, 74(299-300), 199-210. https://doi.org/10.33586/hya.2022.3098
Monog. Main Changes in the Eurocode 2 Concrete Structures